AIR talk with Nolan Hendrickson on Saturday, June 12th from 3-4pm at the 58 Greenwoods Rd W building in downtown Norfolk.
A review of Nolan’s work from the New Yorker:
A young painter tackles a challenge that’s bedevilled painters since classical Greece: how to portray bodies in motion. Not that any of these colorful, superflat figures would be caught dead throwing a discuss—doing Jazzercise is more like it. Hendrickson’s loopy, imaginative style betrays an eclectic range of influences—from James Ensor to “South Park” to Dana Schutz. Athletes wearing masks and striped leotards (or nothing at all) crowd the canvases, lunging, twisting, grasping at rings, and, in one absurd instance, styling waves with a hairbrush. A segmented purple line runs through each composition, as if signifying the broken ribbon at the end of a race (in the color of L.G.B.T. pride). The energy here is so infectious that one may be forgiven for wanting to cheer.